Saturday, July 3, 2010

...happyness?! flashy thinking

It's been quite some time since I wrote anything here. The last weeks've been quite a jovial, nonchalant holiday life! Lots of travelling, meeting people, seeing very old friends, drinking, laughing, living, loving, experiencing; pick one if you will. Indeed, spending life this way was probably the best I could've done. There isn't much going on in the town I spend most of my days in. I needed to leave, and I was right .. it felt great to get away! Sitting on the train for hours has a vibe .. the "travel vibe"! That nice feeling of seeing people get in, get out; listening to some music or reading a book; drawing, writing; or even just watch the landscapes go by; but most of all, that feeling of "going somewhere". Not just sitting around, no immobility. Somewhere "on the train tracks", with people you'll probably never see again. I guess I spend too much time on trains in total in my life to wish them any harm. In fact, I can be in love with the travelling part itself sometimes. I attribute it as part of the entire experience. And, the longer you sit on them the more the surroundings and people change. It's .. interesting I suppose. My folks really want me to work, and I think they're very right about that, but there was huge part of me that needed the feeling of not being bound to time-space-reality. Floating, as I call it - between here and there, then and now. After all, exaggeration's not only art, it's also a means of survival. Breaking through all the chains that tie us in everyday life often appears far harder than it is. Most people are just too cauught up in all "they have to do" or think "they need", instead of recognizing that there's also power in knowing when to turn your back on it all and go surf through your own reality (for a while). Move, act, go! Don't just sit there and wait for things to become awesome, but get up and DO something to actually make that happen! Just like when life is slowly messing you up, learn to know when to stop being acted upon and instead act - mess things up yourself, mess with life, mess with freedom! Evade your own standardized thinking; allow for some fun and lightness to happen. Sometimes that is where the dark becomes light, by simply experiencing life light....
Therefore, today, I wish to show you another version of exaggeration. That of the positive side, that which shouts CLEARLY and LOUDLY that the possibilities and remedies to everything lie within ourselves. Sometimes, all it really takes is an immense push (by ourselves) that gets this special human energy we've got out of our systems and into the production of something positive!
Last but not least, ALWAYS remember that "if you change the way you look at things, the things you look at ... Change!"

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Most people don't live; they only dream of doing so. That is the lowest form of existence: one never used, only abused!

a dreamer's guide to reality

Inclusion, Exclusion.
I don't even want to count how often I read those two words in the last few hours. It's something we actually rarely consider, when thinking of (for example) the internet, isn't it? I'd suggest that's primarly because we're all included. Yes. Absolutely! But I wonder - to what extent is inclusion (not only possible, but) really desirable? Not only related to internet, no, but to everything.
The world consists out of several "we"-groups, all independently opposed to other "they"-groups. Basically those are the same, of course, but since it all shifts with perspective.. We see this phenomenon in kindergarten, high school, university, the internet, politics, economy, the communities we live in, ... EVERYWHERE!
People, secretly, and even the racists (talk about contradiction) LOVE differences. Why?! It reminds them of who they "really" are, or would like to be at least (="not them"). People totally enjoy being against something, since it puts them in another "for-this"-category; as opposed to all other available ones. Take High School for example (btw, little disclaimer: The Breakfast Club - John Hughes!): not only did I not really belong to the rest of my class (I only liked few), I also didn't need to! And that, in my case, didn't change for quite a while. The point is not that one, however, it's that people are simply morons.
Once realized that the world is like a big web (spider spider) of connected things that automatically construe differences, because of their wide range, one should ADDITIONALLY realise that these differences are truly vital. They are there to be understood. Simply because something/someone's different, we're not entitled to destroy it. If you want to differentiate yourself, if you feel like being in a specific "we"-group, then that's great! But my today's biggest wish would be for people to FINALLY stop wanting everybody else to follow in their big foot steps!
Difference is good.
Inclusion is good.
Exclusion is good.
Acceptance ... is vital.
You don't have to love your neighbour, you don't have to praise anyone for his peculiar opinions, you don't have to agree with your grandfather's "old-fashioned" views. But for god's sake, learn to understand that what you do fits YOUR life, and not necessarily anyone else's.
You want to be a racist? Fine, be one! But please, if people give you ACTUAL well-founded arguments against your irrational position, don't get cross immediately. Give them the opportunity to spread just as much truths and lies as you do ... and I won't side on which one's gonna have the upper hand.

You know, the world is a matter of inclusion/exclusion-policy. But this whole black-and-white thinking concerning every stupid little topic makes me sick (at times).
Everybody has to learn for themselves what can make them happy, drives them, and how they want to act and view themselves. Everybody wants to have a small glimpse of that core Kant is talking about. You know what I love btw? Conversing with people about such things (self-finding, self-developing); it's beautiful! For it is nice to know that some of us still reflect and to be reminded of the fact that whatever works for you still isn't of any absolute character. We're distinct personas and need to find our own way of making sense to what is going on around us; only then it causes real effects.

In this sense, not much of exaggeration for any of us today, but an exaggerated appel to your ability of moderation!

Understand that nothing is absolute, nothing is true, nothing is one-sided!

Accept that what is real for you, is an illusion for someone else and what is obvious to them might be of no value to you!

Accept that true strength does not "side with" whomever has the best opinion, but rather with those capable of questioning their opinions when confronted with new ideas.
Flexibilty is everything and it defines your ability to learn...

and most of all ... the ability to live with what one never really understood.

Chill out, my fellow humans.
Life is but an illusion anyway, and we're all dreaming from a different ankle!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Spiders ...

I've always hated those animals. Surely, I'm not alone with that. Anyway, the other day I was reading about "Spider Woman" who - in Native American history - weaved the world, like a spider her web. And it got me thinking about the world. Indeed, is there not something to it? Now, sure, myths and fantasies are all baseless illusions, aren't they?
I disagree.
They drive history. Everybody needs the irrational in one way or another. Because some phenomenons are not explained easily when relying on the faculty of reason.
Everything is Connected; the Chaos Theory. Change one factor, and all therafter changes. Just like a spider web, it always returns to the centre. The question of life, even the universe. Who are we? What connects us with nature? - Seemingly nothing anymore, I agree. But didn't those volcanos give us a friendly reminder that nature cannot be completely controlled by human beings? And by the time we would actually be able to, I'm sure that's then when we cause the universe to collapse. Some things are above us, not meant to be regulated by us. Don't call it God, or Spider Woman, Allah or Karma. Call it the paradox of life - everything good needs something evil in order to exist. It's a general rule in every area of life: Female needs Male. Life needs Death. Sun needs Rain. Dry needs Wet. We are so willing to erade everything evil, control the natural forces, and make the whole universe Coca-Cola-Ready! Well, that won't happen. One day we will realize that there is way more to life than we can see. The detail does not count, the moment is not relevant. Live it! Enjoy it! Adore it! But don't forget, that it all only makes sense in relation to every single other thing. Too many connections to ever be seen, networks of living organisms and mind riddles. He who understands change, who respects patterns, will find more than anyone so narrowmindedly focused on themselves and their own life on this very day - as opposed to GENERALLY.
I don't even want to refer AGAIN to the crisis, not even the airplanes.
No, I will get all confusing now
and for the sake of it
contradict myself...

KANT! How I love that guy. And don't be fooled by your own lack of ambivalence, I also adore Nietzsche. And again, it's the connection that makes the whole, not the detail. But what would Kant tell me?
He would talk about the limits of human reasoning - CAUSALITY is a human way to make sense of what happens around him. If we think of event B, we automatically connect it to event A which initially caused B to occur. Causality is not escapable, because it is inherent to our way of reasoning (and probably even that we assume to HAVE reason!).
But then, could nothing be connected?!
Is everything coincidence?
A detail?
Is there no causal relationship whatsoever?

Gosh how the West likes Kantian Philosophy. Enlighten the World! If it's not causal whatever we did cannot be responsible for ANYONE's suffering.
What a convenient way to view reality.

Ultimately, they are both right. Causality IS the way we reason, we will never escape it and we will never reach the NOUMENON of things. But that does not mean that we aren't responsible. Don't believe in the eternal rest of irrationality, it is everywhere. Life is in itself contradictory, did we not establish that?

There's only one thing today that makes sense ....
namely (and last for now)

that you can only know that you do not know, thus you will never know what you really know, so that you cannot even know whether you truly know that you don't know

Sunday, February 21, 2010

The No-Fault State

Why do we always, and merely, focus on the things that concern ourselves? How many of you care about the people that die in Iraque, people from there? How many know the numbers?
Fact is, the media has a hand for disaster. And even more so, for that type of disaster noone's gulity for. Haiti! HELP, HELP, HELP! Don't bother that billions of people die of famine, wars caused in part by ourselves, heavy national conflicts, child labour in the 3rd world. Don't bother that some of the issues are very WELL traceable to the WESTERN imperium! Didn't we exploit the 3rd world for years? Colonisation? Didn't we actively hinder some countries to develop the way we did? Didn't we use the riches of their world to build our own strong army-led empires? And ... against all those telling us that we do not profit from colonisation anymore (duh, it's ages ago!), it definitely helped US becoming what WE are and leaving them outside of everything. Because, hey, come on (!), aren't we the BIG BOSSES on this planet? Go, go West! And take everything right down with you as you fall. We are ONLY HAPPY about Haiti! LOOK, disaster happened, NATURAL kind! We didn't do anything. Let's help! Let's put our cool actors and singers on the tv screen, showing how much they CARE about Haiti. Let them collect for us, with their pretty plastic surgery induced faces and bodies. And no, this doesn't in any way prompt their own celebrity, art thou kidding? This is purely SELFLESS! Of course it is, how could it be anything else? Sure, there are some exceptions. ... Wait! Wasn't this the other way 'round? Damn it, I must loose track of things. Yes, I guess they're right! Haiti, that wasn't our fault, that's where we can help (and pretend that we didn't cause tremendous amounts of suffering elsewhere and WITHIN our own pretty West itself), that's where we can shine as the beautiful white heroes! Ha ... guess, after all, it's a no-fault scenery ... eh state?

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Random Distraction

We live in a world, where most things do not really matter. Everything is fragmented, everything becomes relative. In the Western world, capitalism slowly invades every human interaction, every human soul. Living alone, walking alone, dying alone. And taking as many with you, as you possibly can. Why do we have to accept, that banks can cause a crisis all on their own, spreading their disgusting worldviews throughout the minds of our world? Why do we have to accept, that people are so lost in their greed and individual well-being, that they can't see nothing but themselves? Constant unhappyness, constant comparing. She's taller, she's prettier, he's sweeter, he's richer? Constant distraction. We put on the tv, and what we see is all the bad and all the good, and we're unable to differentiate. Soaked up in stupid daily soap operas, wrongfully put scientific evidence, influencing as much as they can. Rushing images, interesting sound. It doesn't even matter what we look at, most of us don't even process it anymore. Staring, consuming, excess. Everyday reality becomes a taken-for-granted reality. We're entitled to money, a good job, our family, our rights. But we won't fight for any of it, unless we loose it. We stop to appreciate what most generations before us never had. What they died for, what they lived for. We consume reality, tear it apart, want more and more and more ... When does more becomes less? When does everything become nothing? What is apparent, and what is real? Can we still believe in anything, when we size it down to physical laws and money? If we can manipulate every number with the right model, manipulate every emission with the right pictures, manipulate every vote with void promises, then what do we stand for? It isn't wrong to think that religion is narrow-minded in saying that you either go to heaven or hell. I agree. But if there is a battle between the two, and if we write history as we make it, then do we really think we'd go to heaven? Is this the world we want to show ourselves? A world in which your neighbour becomes irrelevant, the newest tv becomes a must. In which beauty means famine, and famine is normal? Question yourself, question your world. Because the future is a few seconds ago. We have a choice. We can change history. We can become better, fair. I don't believe that everyone is equal, but I believe in equal division, equal law, equal freedom to be who you want to be. And I don't want to be measured by the tv I have, or the amount of lies I've told for my own benefit, or how much I own. I'd prefer to be measured by how much I can care for those whom I love, how much I can give, how much I am willing to do for the person next to me regardless of what they'd do for me, how much I can thank life for having great people and memories in it. Yes, one person cannot change the world. But that doesn't mean, that one person has to agree with it ...

Running Out of Wonder? Welcome!

There's millions ...

of unsaid words, non-committed deeds, and avoided looks

In fact,

there's more of those than any other kind.

There's only very few ...

that speak up anyway, are not afraid to act, or look up from their books

To look.

Even at the most ugly things.

To understand.

Even those very scary moments.

To enter.

One room. Filled with their fears, their hopes, desires and pain.
Filled with all the images they cannot shake.
To feel, live, breathe, and experience that very reality.
That makes them someone. Filled with nothing but confrontation.
Cause there's only few ... that dare to.

Which of them you really want to be?