I disagree.
They drive history. Everybody needs the irrational in one way or another. Because some phenomenons are not explained easily when relying on the faculty of reason.
Everything is Connected; the Chaos Theory. Change one factor, and all therafter changes. Just like a spider web, it always returns to the centre. The question of life, even the universe. Who are we? What connects us with nature? - Seemingly nothing anymore, I agree. But didn't those volcanos give us a friendly reminder that nature cannot be completely controlled by human beings? And by the time we would actually be able to, I'm sure that's then when we cause the universe to collapse. Some things are above us, not meant to be regulated by us. Don't call it God, or Spider Woman, Allah or Karma. Call it the paradox of life - everything good needs something evil in order to exist. It's a general rule in every area of life: Female needs Male. Life needs Death. Sun needs Rain. Dry needs Wet. We are so willing to erade everything evil, control the natural forces, and make the whole universe Coca-Cola-Ready! Well, that won't happen. One day we will realize that there is way more to life than we can see. The detail does not count, the moment is not relevant. Live it! Enjoy it! Adore it! But don't forget, that it all only makes sense in relation to every single other thing. Too many connections to ever be seen, networks of living organisms and mind riddles. He who understands change, who respects patterns, will find more than anyone so narrowmindedly focused on themselves and their own life on this very day - as opposed to GENERALLY.
I don't even want to refer AGAIN to the crisis, not even the airplanes.
No, I will get all confusing now
and for the sake of it
contradict myself...
KANT! How I love that guy. And don't be fooled by your own lack of ambivalence, I also adore Nietzsche. And again, it's the connection that makes the whole, not the detail. But what would Kant tell me?
He would talk about the limits of human reasoning - CAUSALITY is a human way to make sense of what happens around him. If we think of event B, we automatically connect it to event A which initially caused B to occur. Causality is not escapable, because it is inherent to our way of reasoning (and probably even that we assume to HAVE reason!).
But then, could nothing be connected?!
Is everything coincidence?
A detail?
Is there no causal relationship whatsoever?
Gosh how the West likes Kantian Philosophy. Enlighten the World! If it's not causal whatever we did cannot be responsible for ANYONE's suffering.
What a convenient way to view reality.
Ultimately, they are both right. Causality IS the way we reason, we will never escape it and we will never reach the NOUMENON of things. But that does not mean that we aren't responsible. Don't believe in the eternal rest of irrationality, it is everywhere. Life is in itself contradictory, did we not establish that?
There's only one thing today that makes sense ....
namely (and last for now)
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