Theories. Knowledge. Truth. Reason.
Humans have always had a certain knack for wanting to invent the
world instead of letting the world invent itself. Control nature,
don't let it grow “wild”. What does wild even mean? Not behaving
according to its nature? But, are we really doing that ourselves? I
hear a lot about people's “inner nature” or society's “current
reality” - usually these opinions circle somewhere around two of
our favorite buzzwords, around “good” and “evil”. Yes, it is
so simple to say this. That society is currently evil and people are
tired of consumption. That society is at the height of its
capabilities, that no culture has ever had the mind-blowing knowledge
and technologies we are currently able to enjoy (and maybe, just
maybe, putting on a pedestal?). Easy is it, to determine that people
are “inherently good creatures” manipulated by their governments
and “wrong societal standards”; or that they are “downright
evil” and can only be controlled by a well-functioning “rule for
and by the people”. The people. Who are they anyway? The abstract
concept of what a human “is”, or the masses of people that want
“the same thing”? Controlled, or controlling? Theories.
Knowledge. Truth. Reason. Don't fall prey all too easily to people
who are here to tell you what “life is all about”. How would they
know? Have they lived every possible life a human being can choose to
live? Can they know, with absolute certainty, that their path will be
remotely valuable to your mindset? Science is a marvelous thing,
fascinating to its core. I can only be happy to be living in times
where the possibilities to “figure things out” are accelerating,
because what person wouldn't want to “know” the deepest, most
hidden truth? Regardless of whether or not we get it, we love to
know. Theories. Knowledge. Truth. Reason. Yes, they are seductive.
Very much so. But here's the question, the one that people dislike
the most. Not the one asking whether there is a sense to life, but
the one wondering if we will ever know. Are we not a billion times
too tiny, our brains too small, our lives too short, to ever find out
what we want to know the most? What is life? How to live it? Who
cares what I do in life? Should I behave a certain way? Do I have an
inner nature at all? Can I raise my children according to eternal
laws of goodness that will make them into the most lovable people
ever, like science is trying to tell me? Or is it all just chance? A
coincidence, a good or bad turn, a new part of a story that will
never find an end? Theories. Knowledge. Truth. Reason. Feelings. Yes,
feelings. We should never forget that whatever drives these first
four, it has to be something that elicits a response in our minds. A
happy response, excited, fascinated, drawn to something, seduced by
something type of response. Can you feel it? The never-ending line of
questioning? Let go. Just let it all go. Happiness. Sense. Life.
Love. These are things you can find. But it won't be in someone
else's theory, it won't be through knowledge alone, even if it may
help. Being human, it doesn't mean just this or that, it's
everything. It's you. Love your life, before it's over. Love
yourself. Find that the only truth that matters, the only theory that
helps, the only knowledge you can be certain of, the only reason to
do anything at all is how you feel about what you do.
Grow wild. Don't let others control you, don't control. Become one
with yourself, and you will see that it truly happens to everyone
willing to go the extra mile. Passion. A deep, burning fire. That is
the only inner nature I care about, the only way to let yourself be
invented by a world instead of trying to invent it, trying to make it
“true”. Yes, it is the only way to be, instead of trying to
dominate what you and others think life should be.
Life isn't for or against anything, life isn't moral, life doesn't
make the distinction between good and evil. You do. You and your
Theories. Knowledge. Truth. Reason.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
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